We are pleased to announce that a new version of the MaestroUnite Setup App (2.0.5) is now available to download from the App Store and the Google Play Store, for both iOS and Android.
The MaestroUnite Setup for Monitor Audio Anthra Subwoofers allows a user complete bespoke setup using basic or advanced features, thanks to options including EQ presets (configurable by either Monitor Audio or the user), gain, low-pass filter, auto-on, LED control, phase and many more – a user has complete control over the setup and ongoing optimisation. All from a single app.
With the possibility of Master Quality Audio, intelligent IR remote handling and much more, the MaestroUnite Setup App provides you an easy-to-use tool for Roksan Electronics and Monitor Audio Anthra Subwoofers, so that all you need to do is Listen Again.
If you require any support whilst using our MaestroUnite Setup App, please check out our Support page in the link below.